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The operation sequence of the induction heating furnace

The operation sequence of the induction heating furnace


Induction heating is the process of heating an electrically conducting object by electromagnetic induction. The features of the induction heating furnace are fast-heating, fast start-up, energy saving and high production rates. Its original is as same as the high frequency induction heating equipment.

1.Check all the wire connections whether fixed which connect the control cabinet, cooling system and the furnace.

2. Connect the main switch of three-phase power supply, then turn on the switch on the control cabinet, next turn on the electric heating power supply. Now, the vacuum tube and hot mold are starting to preheat.

3. Put the insulator under the down model, then adjust the model.

4. After adjusting the molds, then adjust the controller  three times. Fall time means the time of patrix operation to compress the lower mould. Weld time means the output time. Cooling time means setting time.  

5. Input all the values data according your heating requirement .such as the heating speed and heating temperature.

6. The temperature is up to your need, then we can start the operational to test the induction furnace.

More information about induction heating furnace and the related Induction heat treating furnace, please refer

Post time: 06-15-2016