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Medium frequency heat permeable forging equipment composition

When you buy intermediate frequency forging equipment, you often want to know how many parts of the small medium frequency induction diothermic furnace are made up of? What are the main advantages? There is whether the price is expensive, what is the performance, this is the concern of every user, the following Yuantian electromechanical editor for you a brief introduction, I hope to help you.

When you buy intermediate frequency diothermic forging equipment, you often want to know how many parts of the small medium frequency induction diothermic furnace are made up of? What are the main advantages? There is whether the price is expensive, what is the performance, this is the concern of every user, the following Yuantian electromechanical editor for you a brief introduction, I hope to help you.

The parameter composition of small medium frequency diathermy forging equipment is as follows:

1. The feeding mechanism of intermediate frequency induction heating power supply is used to compensate the capacitance box cooling system.

2, according to different application requirements, including two-color infrared thermometer, temperature control instrument and feeding device, etc., the cooling system of capacitance box is compensated by medium frequency induction heating power supply operating platform, and the cooling system of capacitance box is compensated by medium frequency induction heating power supply operating platform.

3, warm hint, Yuantio electromechanical production of small medium frequency diothermic forging equipment for uncalibrated products, according to your process needs for you customized.


Overseas manager: Tom Wang

Phone: 0086-13303078975(whatsapp, wechat,line)

Specialist of  bar heat treatment furnace in China; Glad to be your business partner in induction heating field.

Post time: 10-15-2019