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What kind of induction heat treatment equipment saving energy and environment friendly?

What kind of induction heat treatment equipment saving energy and environment friendly?

Conventional heat treatment furnace heating fuel combustion emissions, waste and waste water caused serious pollution problem for  the environment.The exhaust gas contains large amounts of air pollution harmful gases, including carbon dioxide.

Thus, the conventional steel bar heat treatment process is not just large energy consumption, but also focus on pollution control department environment.

1. Induction heat treatment process, does not produce waste gas, waste water and waste will not pollute the environment, green environment-friendly heat treatment process.

2.Induction heat treatment compared with traditional heat treatment process can save energy about 15-30%, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. According to each power saving 1KW/h reduce  1Kg carbon dioxide emissions calculation, a heat treatment in an induction heating quenching production line 10,000 tons of steel, energy savings equivalent to about 3 million kw/h electricity than conventional heat treatment process, representing a decrease of 3000 tons emissions of carbon dioxide.

 As a  summary, the steel bar induction heat treatment equipment is a kind of art to improve the quality of steel bar, saving energy and reducing emissions of green heat treatment process.Also an example of the Induction heating technology in the field of heat treatment of steel in successful applications.

Post time: 06-20-2016